Thursday, July 2, 2015

Change Your Diet Change Your Life

To truly live a healthier longer life and be able to make it through your days to the end with out downing a sugary carbonated drink every 3 hour increasing your health risks even further. You must learn the value of what foods you should eat more of and what foods you should eat less of and transform your life and the way you feel on a daily basis. Its real simple eat more of the food that is good for you and less of the food that is bad for you.

That’s where fitting in Super foods come in from a day to day basis. You want to incorporate at least two super foods into your diet daily , one at breakfast and another one in your lunch or dinner. Do this every day and make it a habit and add a third, fourth and eventually a fifth and six and so on until every choice for your meal is a super food. Its also important to practice portion control 70 % of the population is obese from not practicing this along with not getting the recommended amount of exercise daily.

It is recommended we get 6-11 servings from bread and cereal group, half of these being super foods such as oats ,quinoa, whole wheat, popcorn, cornmeal, barley, and brown rice. One slice of bread counts as a serving and one half a cup counts for rice or pasta.

Five to Nine servings of fruits and vegetables is recommended and obviously any and all are good for you, although you should choose more vegetables over fruits and one serving is equal to 1/2 cup each. As for dairy, three servings is recommended and yogurt is suggested because it contains probiotics that helps your intestines stay healthy. Two to three servings of proteins daily is recommended.

You can choose from any lean meat mainly turkey, chicken and fish, such as salmon, tuna, sardines and trout along with any kind of beans. Three ounces of proteins is the recommended amount. When you practice portion control and incorporate more and more super foods with all the essential ingredients and fibers that make you feel fuller you will notice huge change in your energy level and how you feel overall. Given time it could be an addictive habit that is good for you.

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