Friday, July 3, 2015

Oatmeal the best superfood to get your day started.

One of the most popular breakfast meals in the morning is,Oatmeal.Oatmeal is jam packed with 6 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and 166 calories all from just one cup. The variety of fiber contained in oatmeal is more effective for lowering cholesterol than other fibers. Most likely due to the whole grain that have the bran and husk intact giving it it high fiber content so they are digested slower and stabilize blood sugar and sustain energy through out the day.

Oats are also a great source of minerals such as magnesium, mangnese, zinc, and selenium, which are important for the chemical reactions in your body as well as being powerful antioxidants. Oats also contain lutien, a phytochemical related to vitamin A that helps strengthen your vision.

Oats alone can increase your health by lowering cholesterol,reducing the chance of cardiovascular disease, strengthening your immune system and stabilizing your blood sugar. To make your oatmeal even healthier as well as tastier you can add any or all of the following super foods to it. Almonds, Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Blueberries, Strawberries and add some honey or agave nectar for a natural sweetener and enjoy heart healthy metabolism kick starting breakfast filled with high fiber and omega 3 fatty acids.

One final thing when picking out oats there are three different kinds, steel cut, Rolled and instant. Rolled and steel cut are not precooked as the instant ones are which are sometimes high in sugar so be sure to read the labels or get the plain flavor and add your own ingredients as mentioned above. Steel cut take the longest to cook as opposed to rolled oats which takes less time due to the fact they’ve been rolled thin. Any variety you choose it is recommended that you warm your bellies with a bowl of Oatmeal 2-3 times a week.
Here it is probably the most popular breakfast in the morning, Oatmeal. Jam packed with 6 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and 166 calories all from just one up of cooked oatmeal. The variety of fiber contained in oatmeal is more effective for lowering cholesterol than other fibers. Most likely due to the whole grain that have the bran and husk intact giving it it high fiber content so they are digested slower and stabilize blood sugar and sustain energy through out the day.
Oats are also a great source of minerals such as magnesium, mangnese, zinc, and selenium, which are important for the chemical reactions in your body as well as being powerful antioxidants. Oats also contain lutien, a phytochemical related to vitamin A that helps strengthen your vision.
Oats alone can increase your health by lowering cholesterol,reducing the chance of cardiovascular disease, strengthening your immune system and stabilizing your blood sugar. To make your oatmeal even healthier as well as tastier you can add any or all of the following super foods to it. Almonds, Chia seeds, Flax seeds, Blueberries, Strawberries and add some honey or agave nectar for a natural sweetener and enjoy heart healthy metabolism kick starting breakfast filled with high fiber and omega 3 fatty acids.
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